Continuing Education


Frequently asked questions:

Q.   May I receive credit twice for taking the same course during a three year reporting period? 

A.   Yes.   You may receive credit for completing duplicate hours during your three-year reporting period.   Also, if you take any of the core classes (i.e. core law, civil rights, canons of ethics) more than once in the three year reporting period, you may submit the additional three hours as an elective and receive credit. 

Many members now are on the on-line filing and renewal path toward the once-every-three years’ license renewal procedure.  They will receive a personal password, and then have 100% of the responsibility to update personal contact information, compliance with C.E., renewal of license (and payment on-line!), request to reactivate or transfer license, et cetera. 


Q.  Allow online ce? Yes 30 hours

Q.  CE Hours Required:  30 hours/3 years includes 3 hours required in each: civil rights, core law, ethics

Q.  Exam Required?  No

Q.  Proctored Exam?  No

Comments: 10 hours can be carried over into the next reporting period except for the 9 hours of core requirements. 

VIA NAR  About the Training Requirement

REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within four-year cycles. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.                  

Training may be completed through local REALTOR® associations or through another method, such as home study, correspondence, classroom courses, or online courses.


 Requirements for the Ohio:

Q.  Allow online CE?  Yes   

Q.  CE Hours Required:  30 hours/3 years includes 3 hours required in each: civil rights, core law, ethics

Q.  Exam Required?  No

Q.  Proctored Exam?  No

Comments: 10 hours can be carried over into the next reporting period except for the 9 hours of core requirements 

Did you know that you now can take the required Orientation/Code of Ethics Course online, and it’s FREE?

 Click here to start the process..